Cambodia |Travel Photography

Cambodia |Travel Photography

Cambodia enveloped me in a hug that smelled like incense. Sweet and smoky evening air filled my lungs as I hopped onto a tuk-tuk and set off into the city with a few strangers that would be soon become my best friends. We passed through crowded, dusty streets filled with the noise of motorbikes, cars and people laughing in languages I couldn’t understand. It wasn’t a postcard. It wasn’t perfect. But oh my gosh, was it beautiful. Cambodia has this authenticity to it. The people, the villages, the cities, the history. I felt safe there, and genuinely welcomed by the Cambodians I had the privilege of meeting. Never have I been smiled at by so many kind strangers before. I only spent a week there, but it changed me. I had never planned on visiting Cambodia until I signed up for Bobby Earle’s Raddest Photo Trip Ever when I heard about it on Andria Lindquist’s blog. Was I doing anything in February? Nope. Was I all in? Yup. So, not only did this country astonish me, the people who were with me did too. I learned so much about understanding the simplicity of happiness, staying true to oneself, new business ideas and photo tips, and so much more that I can’t even begin to explain here. Every day was an adventure. Tuk-tuk rides at dawn and dusk, playing with children in remote fishing villages, exploring temples, goofing off with monkeys, drinking 75 cent beers, having really meaningful conversations about life, and of course, taking tons and tons and TONS of photos. Because when you get to hang out with Bobby Earle, Nick Radford and Andria Lindquist for a week straight, not to mention 15 other incredible photographers, you get inspired. Like, really inspired. Sooo, here are some images. I took so much more than this, but if I don’t post a few now, I might never get around to it. So here goes. In no particular order. Enjoy

(PS- I visited Thailand for two weeks after this trip and I’ll be sharing those photos soon in a separate post!)