Silken, Riley, Lindsey, Laura and Anita | Newport Senior Pictures

Silken, Riley, Lindsey, Laura and Anita | Newport Senior Pictures

Oregon weather usually likes to make my life miserable this time of year. It seems like every time I schedule a shoot in advance, it ends up pouring rain that day, resulting in a miserable shoot or having to postpone everything. Not last weekend though. The birds were chirping. The sun was shining. A light breeze was blowing. It was 70 degrees. I could not have been happier. And then five gorgeous girls got out of their car to meet me for their senior pictures. Each and every one of them was stunning. Tall, thin, fashionable. The photography gods must have been smiling down on me that day. The girls are all graduating from high school in Newport this June. I had an amazing time working with each of them at a total of 5 fun locations near the coast. Enjoy! Silken:



