OSU Has Talent | Corvallis Event and Portrait Photography

OSU Has Talent | Corvallis Event and Portrait Photography

Accordions. Yo-yos. Indian Dancing. Comedy. Guitarists. Tap-dancing. Bagpipes. Break-dancing. It was almost too much to handle! Last month, the Oregon State MUPC (Memorial Union Programs Council) hired me to help document their brand new winter event, “OSU Has Talent.” First, I shot portraits of each of the final 8 contestants for the programs, which was fun because I actually got to meet all the performers. Then, I photographed the event itself on March 11th. Talk about an epic talent show! I had a great time, and I think everyone else watching it did too. Congrats to Alicia Baker, the winner (an accordion player) and all the others who performed that night! Here are the portraits I shot first

And here are a few highlights from the event itself