Pyramid Lake | Travel Photography
While in California, my family decided to take a day trip to Pyramid Lake, in eastern Nevada about 2 hours away. I got excited after learning the lake was supposed to have really cool rock formations and be a really interesting shade of blue. After 2 and a half hours in the car, we got to a very bleak lake. It was disappointing. The rock formations were few and far between and the lake was TOO big to capture well. It’s something like 37 miles long. We walked around awhile, checked out the Native American museum (the lake is on a reservation) and then had a yummy Mexican food lunch in Reno on the way home. After lunch we took a slight detour and birdwatched for a little while in a refuge in the middle of a valley. We saw multiple pairs of Sandhill Cranes and I was pretty happy with some of the photos I got of them. It was an interesting day.